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Employee Spotlight on Jamie Sanders

For 5 and a half years, the doctors and staff of Puget Sound Orthopaedics have had the pleasure of working with Jamie Sanders, receptionist at our Gig Harbor clinic.  Patients checking in to the clinic are always greeted by Jamie’s smile and geniality.  “Working next to Jamie and seeing that she always has a smile, both on her face as well as in her voice, makes me remember to try and do the same,” says Monika St. Jean, Jamie’s counterpart at the front desk.  Monika adds, “She is always so warm and kind to everyone that it makes ME want to be a better person too!”

Monika is certainly not alone in her opinion.  Jamie is sincere, heartfelt and always willing to jump in and help her coworkers with any task.  In addition to her duties at the front desk, Jamie routinely assists the billing department and often provides coverage when someone is on vacation or out sick.

When asked how the organization has changed since Jamie first joined PSO, she explains, “Besides doubling in size, we’ve come a long way in streamlining processes and procedures, truly bettering the patient experience.”  Jamie—although she’s likely too humble to recognize it—has been instrumental in improving the PSO patient experience.  Deborah DeVeaux, Front Office Manager, explains, “Jamie’s love for people makes her the perfect ambassador for Puget Sound Orthopaedics.  Her infectious and welcoming smile is one of her most valuable assets.  She genuinely wants to help with any problems patients have.”

If Jamie could do another job for one day, she would work at the zoo.  “Maybe with the elephants or monkeys,” she says, “Doesn’t that sound fun?!”  All of us at PSO are glad Jamie has not decided to pursue a career in zoology.  We would miss her!  In her free time, Jamie loves to spend time with her family, especially her 5 grandchildren.

Thank you for always bringing smiles to your coworkers and the patients of PSO, Jamie!


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