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Lorie Winder Spotlight

“Within the first three months of working here I had three physicians thank me and the front desk staff for doing our job well. The fact that they took time out of their busy schedules to thank us was really special,” Lorie tells me. Now passing her three years of employment Lorie still enjoys the camaraderie she shares with her fellow employees.

She began working here as a medical receptionist and is now a referral coordinator with her main task being checking insurance eligibility. During her time with Puget Sound Orthopaedics Lorie has learned to look at various things in different ways, whether work related or not, which opens her up to new perspectives.

Lorie is a dog mom to two cute dogs: a Corgie and a Corgie-Chihuahua mix. She enjoys taking them to some of the local farms where the dogs can go herding with sheep and ducks. Other times she likes to read mystery books and participate in cross stitching.

Her favorite trip she has ever been on was an all-expenses paid cruise to the Caribbean where she visited Haiti, Jamaica, and Cozumel. Her favorite parts were zip lining over the ocean and a Jamaican tour where they came across children in a school house. A proud statement that she has up her sleeve is that she and her husband have been married for 36 years and counting.

Lorie’s favorite food is anything; if it smells good, looks good, and tastes good she is happy with it! I hope she likes carrots as she said if she could be any cartoon character she would like to be Bugs Bunny because he is always a step ahead of Elmer Fudd. It’s fitting that Bugs calls most people ‘doc’ as well.

If she could be any animal she would like to be “a bird or an otter because they look like they have so much fun doing everything they do.” Given the choice of a flying car, moon cities, or robot housekeepers Lorie would choose robot housekeepers as it has been the trend and I do not blame anyone for thinking that way!

Thank you Lorie for the last three years and we cannot wait to spend many more with you!


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